Don't let your finances put a hold on your life or your dreams, Procraft Construction can get you the financing you need within 15 Minuets of applying with affordable & flexible rates and terms up to 60 month from up to 9 funding sources, so you can make the best choice for you and your family. Ask your Procraft Construction consultant for details.
A great big THANK YOU to Vince and the folks in the finance department at Procraft Construction for helping us get our roof project financed, we met with 5 different contractors but non could do for us what Procraft could, not only did we get our roof project financed, we were also able to secure enough money to get our new trex deck built. Everyone at Procraft Construcion is just great, and the workmanship they put into both projects was awesome....We just love everything....Thank you all so much for everything.
Mark & Sue Morse Brighton Mich.
Is it hard to apply: NO, not at all, takes about 5 min and the application can be done from your phone, or computer.
What happens after I apply: You will be given up to 9 different offers, the interest rate, and the monthly payment. You will then pick the funding offer that best fits you budget, hit fund button and the money is deposited in your account with in 2 days...Procraft Construction will then contact you, pick up a deposit and get your job started. once the job is complected, we will pick up the remaining balance of our contract with you and then you will make your payments just like you would your mortgage or car is that easy.